Saturday, July 31, 2010

What's the Best advice fr someone who's interested in An Online Dating Service?

So someone wants to meet someone and they want to sign up with an online dating service..what's the best site to join?What's the Best advice fr someone who's interested in An Online Dating Service?
I like

They're free, but they have this amazing matching system with all kinds of cool questions and fun quizzes. It is harder for people to be fake on there too, because there are so many questions.What's the Best advice fr someone who's interested in An Online Dating Service?
My best online dating advice is to proceed with caution!!!
ONLINE DATING. OH GOSH.da best advice 4 u 4 an online dating is DONT WASTE UR TIME
Well tell them a online dating service is the worst thing you can do belive me.One of my friends and they had to end up paying 1000 dollars.It never works out
I can't fully agree with Coolgal's answer. I myself have been to SEVERAL dating services, with just as little success as I have in The Real World Dating Game. I can't tell which reality is less successful. :P There really is no ';best'; dating service because they will ALL have their share of positive testimonials and praisals. Personally, I've only joined sites that don't require you to pay to take full advantage of their services (and those that don't tell you that you have to pay until AFTER you sign up seriously pisses me off). To me, paying for any dating service is no different than paying some pimp for one of his hoes, except you're more likely to get SOME success out of approaching the pimp. Why should you pay someone for the possibility that is there in real life? I've talked to countless women online and after a few e-mails, they just get bored and stop talking to me. If I can get that for free, why should I pay $50 a month for it? It's not like I CAN'T afford to pay for it, but I just don't see why I should have to. :P No matter what site you join, you will ALWAYS get more results if you e-mail the cute guy first. I don't know why, but for some reason you women out there insist that men will feel threatened if you approach THEM and not the other way around. :S Trust me, they'll LIKE it. *lol*

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